Computer graphics program to implement Midpoint Circle Algorithm


Program in Python and C++ graphics library


# Mid-Point Circle Drawing Algorithm 
from graphics import *
import time
def midPointCircleDraw(x_centre, y_centre, r):
   win = GraphWin('Brasenham Line', 600, 480)
   x = r
   y = 0
   print("(", x + x_centre, ", ", 
              y + y_centre, ")", 
              sep = "", end = "") 
   if (r > 0) :
       print("(", x + x_centre, ", ",
                 -y + y_centre, ")", 
                 sep = "", end = "") 
       print("(", y + x_centre, ", ", 
                  x + y_centre, ")",
                  sep = "", end = "") 
       print("(", -y + x_centre, ", ", 
                   x + y_centre, ")", sep = "") 
   P = 1 - r 
    while x > y:
       y += 1
       if P <= 0: 
           P = P + 2 * y + 1
           x -= 1
           P = P + 2 * y - 2 * x + 1
       if (x < y):
       x1 = x + x_centre
       y1 = y + y_centre
       x2 = -x + x_centre
       y2 = y + y_centre
       x3 = x + x_centre
       y3 = -y + y_centre
       x4 = -x + x_centre
       y4 = -y + y_centre
       PutPixle(win, x1,y1)
       PutPixle(win, x2,y2)
       PutPixle(win, x3,y3)
       PutPixle(win, x4,y4)
       print("(", x1, ", ", y1,
                           ")", sep = "", end = "") 
       print("(", x2, ", ", y2, 
                            ")", sep = "", end = "") 
       print("(", x3, ", ", y3,
                            ")", sep = "", end = "") 
       print("(", x4, ", ", y4,
                                       ")", sep = "") 
       if x != y:
           x1 = y + x_centre
           y1 = x + y_centre
           x2 = -y + x_centre
           y2 = x + y_centre
           x3 = y + x_centre
           y3 = -x + y_centre
           x4 = -y + x_centre
           y4 =  -x + y_centre
           PutPixle(win, x1,y1)
           PutPixle(win, x2,y2)
           PutPixle(win, x3,y3)
           PutPixle(win, x4,y4)
           print("(", x1, ", ", y1, 
                               ")", sep = "", end = "") 
           print("(", x2, ", ", y2,
                                ")", sep = "", end = "") 
           print("(", x3, ", ", y3,
                                ")", sep = "", end = "") 
           print("(", x4, ", ", y4, 
                                           ")", sep = "")
def PutPixle(win, x, y):
   pt = Point(x,y)
if __name__ == '__main__':
   x,y = map(int, input("Enter center coordinates:").split())
   r = int(input("Enter radius:"))
   midPointCircleDraw(x, y, r)
computer graphics


#include <graphics.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
void midPointCircleDraw(int x_centre, int y_centre, int r){ 
    int x = r, y = 0; 
    putpixel( x + x_centre, y + y_centre, WHITE); 
    if (r > 0) { 
        putpixel( x + x_centre, -y + y_centre, WHITE); 
        cout << x + x_centre << " "<<   -y + y_centre << endl;
        putpixel( y + x_centre, x + y_centre, WHITE); 
        cout <<  y + x_centre << " "<<  x + y_centre << endl;
        putpixel( -y + x_centre, x + y_centre, WHITE);
        cout <<  -y + x_centre << " "<<  x + y_centre << endl;
    int P = 1 - r; 
    while (x > y) {  
        if (P <= 0) 
            P = P + 2*y + 1; 
            P = P + 2*y - 2*x + 1; 
        if (x < y) 
        putpixel( x + x_centre, y + y_centre, WHITE); 
        cout << x + x_centre << " "<<  y + y_centre << endl;
        putpixel( -x + x_centre, y + y_centre, WHITE); 
        cout << -x + x_centre << " "<<  y + y_centre << endl;
        putpixel( x + x_centre, -y + y_centre, WHITE); 
        cout << x + x_centre << " "<<  -y + y_centre << endl;
        putpixel( -x + x_centre, -y + y_centre, WHITE); 
        cout <<  -x + x_centre << " "<<  -y + y_centre << endl;
        if (x != y) { 
            putpixel( y + x_centre, x + y_centre, WHITE); 
            cout << y + x_centre << " "<<  x + y_centre << endl;
            putpixel( -y + x_centre, x + y_centre, WHITE); 
            cout << -y + x_centre << " "<<  x + y_centre << endl;
            putpixel( y + x_centre, -x + y_centre, WHITE); 
            cout << y + x_centre << " "<<  -x + y_centre << endl;            
            putpixel( -y + x_centre, -x + y_centre, WHITE); 
            cout << -y + x_centre <<" "<<  -x + y_centre << endl;
int main(){
    int gd = DETECT, gm;
    initgraph(&gd, &gm, "");
    cout << "Enter x, y, r: ";
    int x, y, r;
    cin >> x >> y >> r;
    midPointCircleDraw(x, y, r);
    return 0;
Midpoint Circle Algorithm computer graphics