IVP Internship Interview Experience 2020


Complete Process


There was an online round followed by 3 rounds of interviews, two technical and 1 HR.


Online Round

The online round had 40 MCQs which were to be answered in 40 minutes only. The questions were a mix of technical and aptitude. 


First Interview

The first interview was a technical interview. The interviewer started by asking me about my interests, and looked at my CV. I had mentioned Web Development on my CV and she asked me a couple of questions ranging from Javascript to ReactJS specific questions. I was not able to answer all the questions because I do not have a very deep understanding of React. In retrospect, I think I should’ve mentioned that to her. 

After talking about web development, she moved on to DSA. The questions were: 


  1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-last-2-survivors-in-n-persons-standing-in-a-circle-after-killing-next-to-immediate-neighbour/
  2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-a-mother-vertex-in-a-graph/


I had to share my screen and write pseudo code for the 2 questions. 


I was able to do the first question easily. 


I gave the naive DFS approach for the second question, however, the interviewer expected more than that and asked me to optimise the approach. The optimal approach, ie, the Kosaraju’s algorithm is not a typical algorithm which one would expect to be asked in the interview and hence I was not able to answer the question. 


The interview was a long one. I was then asked 2 questions on SQL followed by a simple question on probability. 


After that the interviewer asked if I had any questions for her. I asked a few.

I was not selected for the other interviews. 


  1. Maintaining a good CGPA is a must. 
  2. Practise coding questions from standard platforms, such as Leetcode, Interviewbit and so on. 
  3. It is also favourable to practise some of the aptitude questions, as quite a few of the companies ask these. They are easy questions, however, solving them correctly in a short amount of time is pretty challenging.
  4. Luck plays an important role in the whole process. It is fairly natural to be disheartened after a few rejections. Look at the rejections as stories to learn from.



  1. If you write something on your resume, know it well, otherwise make it clear to the interviewer how well you know that particular skill. 
  2. Luck plays an important role in the whole process,  I thought the interview was decent and that I would get through, but I did not. It is completely fine to not go through an interview. Many times the processes are hazy and unpredictable.