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Aryan Ganotra

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Circular Linked List

Circular linked list is similar to simple linked list, the main difference is that the last node points to the first node and not to null.
doubly linked list

Doubly Linked List in C/C++

A doubly linked list is similar to simple linked list, the main difference is that a doubly linked list node has one extra pointer pointing to previous node.

Linked List In C/C++

Each node requires two data types, an int, char, float etc data type to store the value and a pointer to the next node to store the address of the node to which this node is pointing to.

Array as an Abstract Data Structure C/C++. (ADT)

We require a pointer to an array create it dynamically of inputed size from the user and a length of array till elements are present.

Implementation of 2D array in C

An array can be created in a matrix form with n number of rows and m no of columns by using the concept of multi dimensional array.

How to increase size of an array in C/C++ after declaration

Create a new array pointer and copy the contents of previous array pointer to this new array pointer and free/delete the previous pointer.

Basics of Array Data Structures in C/C++.

Basics of Array Data Structures in C/C++. Arrays are collection of elements stored in continuous memory locations.

Heap and heap sort

Introduction to heap Heap are complete binary tress. By complete, I mean each node except the leaf...

Top 13 OOP Lab Programs With Programs And Output

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic. Following are the list of top 13 OOP programs with code and output to have a better understanding of OOP.

Smart Parking System

Smart parking system using raspberry pi or arduino. OpenCV module. TCP/IP socket connection. Android App. Image processing. IR sensors.