Monthly Archives: April 2022


Code for encryption and decryption through a Mono-Alphabetic cipher

A monoalphabetic cipher scheme is one in which the characters of the plain text are mapped to the ciphertext in a one to one fashion, that is, every occurrence of a character in the plain text is mapped to the same ciphertext character

Code for encryption and decryption using Caesar Cipher algorithm

The Caesar Cipher, also known as a shift cypher, is one of the oldest and simplest forms of encrypting a message.

Real-Time Chat Application with Collaborative Drawing Tools

DrawChat is a web application which allows multiple users to work together and collaborate on a digital whiteboard, as well as chat together
information network security

Combined Steganography and Cryptography in Information & Network Security

Transferring digital information and data over the internet is a concern to security and privacy as the data is more susceptible to illegal copying

Meet the Main Advantages of Learning STEM Disciplines

Today, more and more students choose to study STEM disciplines. Check some of the key benefits of choosing this area of study as your major